Caring at the heart of our home.

Staff take time to know about everyones background, likes, hopes and needs. This includes any needs residents have because of their age, disability, sex (gender), gender identity, race, religion or belief, or sexuality (whether they are lesbian, gay, bisexual or heterosexual).

All our residents are encouraged to express their views, no matter how complex they  are and we will supply advocates (people who can speak on resdients behalf) and hold regular residents meetings.

We recognise all our residents as individuals and allow as much freedom (as safe) to carry about their day as they want to.

Staff also know residents wishes for their care at the end of their life, if this applies.

Staff treat everyone with dignity and respect and they spend time with all our residents to develop trusting relationships.

At Elreg House we make sure all our residents have enough privacy and family and friends can visit.


Responsive and well-led care.


Effective Care Services